JAMMIN Training / Art residency

Twenty-four young people from Spain, Belgium, Italy, Syria, Mozambique, Gambia gathered in Bergondo (Galicia) for intercultural event of ten days. The first 5 days consisted on a regular training (days 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9) and 4 days consisted on a sort of blended Multiplier Event called “Inclusive Tour”, where the group shared the Training Course outcomes with different audiences (7 locations, 10 performances) and put debriefing into practice. The training sessions combined group building (building a safe bubble, always relevant, specially important during COVID times), Human Rights Education and creative workshops both connected to the group process and sharing personal experiences, and the common creation of a performance from the scratch. Individual and  collective empowerment of the participants was the starting point to create an artistic  proposition that aims to produce catharsis. Once the artistic proposition was created, it was presented to various places in Galicia, such as schools, cultural centres and non-profit associations. This was very important because the main goal was to create a constructive dialogue between the informal and formal education systems and with society in general.

The training experience was touching. The performance sessions and debriefings were moving. The last journey, allocated for reflection and celebration was a day no one will ever forget. After a super intense week, the time for sharing and learning together was golden and that morning we all washed our eyes several times. The afternoon was conceived as a celebration, with local audiences and local musicians. We made a final festival: some video outcomes were displayed for the first time, performance in Galicia for the last time, nice debriefing and extraordinary jam session with up to 16 musicians who literally met each other speaking music at the stage. 

The activity was essential for reaching the project objectives. Conceived as an Art Residency, it was the first time artistic and face to face activity for long. For the participants and staff involved, it meant the chance to put into practice all philosophies and concepts such as the creative and inclusive approach, HRE tools and to prove the value of debriefing as this specific method that NFE can largely share and explore with mainstream society. For the local stakeholders and society, the goals of the project were fulfilled 100%, as it challenged narratives, it proved that Arts together with NFE are an extraordinary channel for Social Inclusion and it provided a beam of hope and positive thinking bringing together theory and action into the stage. The talks after each performance were meaningful and many people in the audience declared that something had changed for them, for the good. 

Check the "canovaccio" used in the debriefing made with the public after each performance and adapt it to your own needs and sessions

Inclusive tour time table

20-24Gandarío/BergondoA.X. Gandarío
24BergondoA Senra18:00Sen público
25O MilladoiroCasa da Cultura9:50 / 11:50 / 16:00IES O Milladoiro
26BetanzosIES As Mariñas11:15IES As Mariñas
26BergondoA Senra13:30CPI Cruz do Sar
26O Temple, CambreCSC O/Graxal17:00Aberto
27CeeCasa da Cultura11:00 /13:00*CPR Manuela Rial
28VedraCasa da Cultura11:00*CPI Plurilíngüe de Vedra
28LalínEspazo xove18:00Aberto
29BergondoA Senra17:00Aberto
*Time to be confirmed

When: 20th – 30th of May

Where: Bergondo, Santiago de Compostela, Costa da Morte, Mariñas coruñesas, Ulla-Deza…