

The project “J.A.M.M.IN’! Joint Artistic Methodologies for Migrants’ inclusion and integration” wants to develop and promote innovative methodologies and practices that bring together the value and benefits of arts with the principles of non-formal education. 

The idea behind “JAMMIN” was born during an exchange in Brussels, in June 2017 – “Culture in a tin – Theatre for Inclusion, Integration and Intercultural Dialogue” where we experienced that ARTS MATTER and they’re a powerful tool for inclusion and understanding. 

– Hero’s Journey TC. December 2017, Brussels, 4 partners involved

– ILAB TC. March 2018, Italy, 4 partners were involved

With this in mind we decided to find a way to underline the importance of using arts in youth work, as a tool to create meaningful changes both at the individual and societal level.

We aim at


The main goal of the project is to develop capacities of youth org and youth workers to work with young migrants/refugees by using arts as a tool for social inclusion and to develop new innovative approaches combining NFE methodologies with artistic tools (theatre, poetry, storytelling…) in different learning contexts (formal and non formal). 

Through this cross-sectoral approach we aim at reaching young refugees and migrants and to empower them to be proactive recognized actors in local communities, changing existing negative narratives into positive ones.



  • To explore the complementarity of arts and NFE tools/approaches and to develop innovative combined tools to support young migrants/refugees integration in local communities and to promote twofold inclusion processes 
  • To explore and test the benefits of using art as a tool for social change and for engaging and empowering young migrants/refugees in local communities, schools, youth org./centers, providing them with the tools to advocate for their rights and their role in the community
  • To promote a culture of healing and bringing together communities through arts as methodology that is strengthening the feeling of belonging, progressive values and equality in society/local communities 
  • To promote quality and needs based youth work by boosting and exploring creative artistic tools for social inclusion and positive changes in society/communities 
  • To extend the “power” of arts and NFE in a number of different contexts (schools, municipalities,cultural centers, youth centers, etc.) 



INDIVIDUALS- Young people will see their talents enhanced, their potential increased and will have the opportunity to become proactive actors and protagonists of their community.

PARTNERS- Each partner will improve the quality of their work and skills of their staff, particularly with regard to the use of innovative practices for the inclusion and empowerment of young mig/ref/as through educational methodologies combining arts and NFE. Partners will share with others and transfer outcomes and good practices in their own community and country, becoming innovators of inclusion and positive models.


– The project will help to create real pathways of inclusion within local communities, providing concrete tools and opportunities for inclusion of mig/ref/as. It seeks to create the prerequisite for a more cohesive society in which young mig/ref/as are recognized and valued for their talents, potentialities, abilities and contribute to the development of community life. The project aims to change the realities and contexts in which it operates, breaking and modifying stigma and stereotypes and creating social change and new positive narratives of inclusion

The impact on the LOCAL LEVEL will be a substantial part of the project:

– Partners will develop and improve specific skills and capabilities related to the inclusion of young migrants/refugees/asylum seekers within the local communities and the reference territory

– With focus groups and pilot activities, partners will reach a large number of young people and local actors, creating an important multiplier effect and contributing to address current exclusion and marginalization patterns


– Each partner is responsible for organizing a multiplier event (in the form of seminars, public events, workshops) involving actors and individuals from different sectors and realities (local/regional/national authorities, schools, youth organizations, associations, TV and radio, etc.)

– Each partner will be able to continue to implement and develop sustainable inclusion activities using arts at the local, regional and national level, building new partnerships, strengthening their role in work with ref/mig/as and thus becoming a model and reference for other actors / org.

Target groups


  • youth workers/educators from partners and associated partners (local schools, youth centers, cultural centers), who will be involved in the development of the toolbox as well as in the different trainings; needs: to gain new skills/competences to face the challenges of a constantly changing reality, to make their own actions more inclusive and efficient
  • young refugees/migrants and other youth from local communities (14/30 y/o) who will be involved in the initial research, in the pilot activities, in the performances and in the final blended mobility; 
    needs: to feel included, to be empowered, to become recognized positive actors in their new communities, to meet each other in order to share their stories, languages, cultures, dreams, hopes 
  • local stakeholders (schools, youth centers and cultural centers) where the tools will be tested and most of activities will take place, involved at different stages; needs: to activate new and innovative support systems to address diversity in a positive way, to become “more inclusive” and more responsive to global challenges
  • local communities, that will be the final target group as we aim to create change within them, challenging the current negative narratives over migrants/refugees and creating new positive ones; needs: to overcome fear, to learn how to deal with diversity, to start a real and deep intercultural dialogue and exchange with the “newcomers” Through a joint approach where arts and NFE complement each other we will give a concrete answer to these needs and challenge existing negative narratives of radicalization and discrimination in different contexts and spaces.